So Halloween has come and gone and I gotta say that it's not quite as exciting as it was when the kids were little. Now I'm the only one who wants to dress up! Actually, as you can see below, Hunter channeled his inner Dwight from our favorite TV show, The Office, but Savannah just had some friends over to eat junk food and run through the neighborhood begging for candy. We had our usual neighborhood pot luck dinner and Savannah and I carved the pumpkin below for the mutual Halloween party a few nights before. Not much else to report at the Stewarts in the last few weeks. I have two more performances of my play, Rich is finishing his last class for his Phd, Hunter made the High School Soccer team again this year, and Savannah is getting ready to try out for Honor Band. Life goes on. . . .
Sav with her buddies on Halloween night
The two on the left are supposed to be Andy and Angela, and Hunter is Dwight. The Office rocks!!
A Shakespeare in the Making
5 years ago